Professional Portfolio

EDPSY 310 Learning in Classroom
Fall 08, EDUC 353 Science Programs in EL
Fall 08, LLSS 443 Childrens Literature
Fall 08, MSET 365 Microcomputers
Fall 08 EDUC 330 Reading in EL I
EDUC 361 Math in EL
EDUC 321 Social Studies
EDUC 333 Oral & Written Language
EDPSY 310 Learning in Classroom
SPCD 493 Special Needs Populations
EDUC 331 Reading in EL II
LLSS 315 Linguistically Diverse Students
EDUC 362 Teaching Experience (Pre-Student Teaching)
EDUC 400 Student Teaching Seminar
Digital Portfolio Workshop
Teacher Resources

Educational Psychology was beneficial and enlightening. I learned the developmental stages that people go through and how their brain development affects their learning. I also learned about various handicaps and disabilities. Discovering the different learning styles was helpful. Creating the lesson plans for the various learning styles made me think in depth on how to reach many children with one lesson. I observed several teachers looking for specific traits that focused on psychological well-being of the students, unspoken language, and physical environment. Having this assignment helped me look at teachers in a different light and the effect of their behavior and attitudes on children. I am more sensitive to the classroom environment now.
I learned alot in this course and have a better understanding of childrens' development physically and mentally.    

Kelly Hart