Professional Portfolio

EDUC 400 Student Teaching Seminar

Fall 08, EDUC 353 Science Programs in EL
Fall 08, LLSS 443 Childrens Literature
Fall 08, MSET 365 Microcomputers
Fall 08 EDUC 330 Reading in EL I
EDUC 361 Math in EL
EDUC 321 Social Studies
EDUC 333 Oral & Written Language
EDPSY 310 Learning in Classroom
SPCD 493 Special Needs Populations
EDUC 331 Reading in EL II
LLSS 315 Linguistically Diverse Students
EDUC 362 Teaching Experience (Pre-Student Teaching)
EDUC 400 Student Teaching Seminar
Digital Portfolio Workshop
Teacher Resources



Reflection of Student Teaching

                I completed my student teaching at McKinley Elementary in a fifth grade class located in Farmington, New Mexico. The class consists of fifteen boys and nine girls. There are six gifted students and two special education students with sixteen general education students. Differentiation in this classroom is a must and catering to the various learning styles has proven essential. Through the semester the students and I created a positive environment where everyone is allowed to share their ideas and opinions. We have worked together to create a classroom which provides lots of fun, explorative, and cooperative learning in a student based curriculum.

                In creating my PDP this semester, I decided to focus on improving handling transitions between subjects and classroom management. I found these areas needed to be explored and experimented with as it was not effective for the students or me. To address these issues, my first step was to discuss expectations with the students and what their ideal classroom would be like. I then held the students to the expectations we discussed and often asked the students how they would assess their own behavior. To my surprise all the students were very conscious of their behavior and honest about their performance. This has helped the students self monitor their behavior which has allowed them to be responsible and consistently meet the classroom expectations.

                Enlisting the students in creating a classroom that functions as efficiently as possible has proven to be the best strategy I have used. The students have taken pride in the ownership of their classroom which is reflected daily in their behavior and attitude. I have also tried many different ways to grab the student’s attention. I have realized through this experience that a strategy may work one day and the next day fall flat. Providing a high structure environment while keeping the students on their toes and engaged works the best for these students. Working with such an active group of students whose skills are varied has been very helpful for me. I am always thinking ahead. How I can spice up each lesson and get these students moving, doing, creating, collaborating, problem-solving and becoming critical thinkers.

I have had the pleasure of also working with another fifth grade class for 45 minutes a day teaching science. Having these students has been a very beneficial experience as the class is extremely different from mine. The personalities of these students are vastly different which create a completely different dynamic in the classroom. Having these two classrooms has helped me differentiate my lessons for the students. I must tweak my lesson plan for the two classes to meet their needs for the same lesson. This has made me realize that every year I will have a new class with new personalities, new dynamics, and new issues that will need to be assessed and addressed.

My strengths as a teacher are building relationships with the students, sharing my enthusiasm of learning and knowing that I am learning beside the students. I have slowly but surely built a relationship with all of my students in both of the classes I teach. Having confidence in the relationship I have with the students has been very helpful on the days that were going south. I was able to stop everything I was doing and chat with the students about what was working and what wasn’t then brainstorm as a group how we could fix the situation. Trusting the students has paid off. They know what works for them and how to fix a problematic situation. Every day I walk into the classroom I am ready to teach the content and get the students excited to learn about it. This encourages the whole class that we are on a learning adventure together and although I may not always have all the answers we can figure it out.

In my own classroom I would like to continue to work on my classroom management skills. I understand that to be an effective teacher I need to have a full toolbox ready to address any issue that arises. I know that in order to find these tools I will need to collaborate with my colleges and continue my education. I would also like to explore a more creative curriculum to supplement the one prescribed. I have found that I am hands on teacher who like to use as many manipulatives as possible to help the students understand the material. I am excited to discover the endless possibilities of getting my own classroom engrossed in their learning.


My First Bulletin Board

Mathematics Concept Lesson Plan

“The Great Equation Race”


Essential Questions



How do I use math in my life?




How can I find the value of an equation when I don’t know a number?





How do I use measurement in different situations in a real life situation?

Measurement Topic

Standard & Benchmarks


Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics.


5.A.2.1  Compute the value of the expression for specific numerical values of the variable.


5.A.2.2  Use a letter to represent an unknown number.



5.M.1.1  Understand properties (e.g., length, area, weight, volume) and select the appropriate type of unit for measuring each using both U.S. customary and metric systems.

5.M.1.2  Select and use appropriate units and tools to measure according to the degree of accuracy required in a particular problem-solving situation.







Students will engage in an engaging and interactive mathematic journey around the world.


Students will complete problem cards containing expressions with an unknown variable.






Students will race around the world by solving problem cards and measuring the distance they travel between countries to specific cities.

Language Arts

Essential Questions


How do I find information I need?


What are the different sources  I can use to find the information I am looking for?

Measurement Topics


Conduct research from a variety of resources for assigned or self-selected projects.


Understand that there are several types of sources for conducting research.






Students will use an atlas and library books to find answers to five specific questions about the cities they are traveling to.



Kelly Hart

Contact Info